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How To Play
Intergalactic Space
Big Bang
Electromagnetic Force
Weak Force
Hidden Dimensions
Black Holes
Anthropic Principle


BLACK HOLES: This is one rabbit-hole Alice would be lost in forever. Actually the very atoms that came together over billions of years to compose Alice's body would cease to be within a black hole! All matter and energy that falls into a black hole is squeezed into and becomes undifferentiated in a point-like phenomena physicists call a singularity. One way to think about a singularity is to define how close objects or systems of objects are to each other by the frequency of their interactions. Two close friends may often go out together but more distant friends will less often go out together. We might define an association of friends as a number of individuals that interact among themselves more often then they interact with other individuals. An association of seven or more friends may have two or more sub-groups recognizable by the frequency of interactions among its members. Some members may interact among themselves more often then they do with other members, and as long as the association is complex (has sub-groups) individuals may be distinguished from each other by their path of interactions through the association. If no member of the association interacts more often with one member than another then the association is simple, has no sub-groups, and individual members can not be distinguished from each other by their path of interactions. If the association is large we can say the potential for the group to form crossover sub-groups or grow close to another association is proportionately large. But, if the members of the association have a lot in common and rarely interact with members of other associations the association is dense and crossover will tend to be one-way toward the dense association. A simple and dense association of individuals may be considered a social black hole. A singularity is a simple and dense system of matter and energy from which no light can escape like unto a simple and dense association of individuals among which no new ideas can find expression.

 The Universe Is And One! 


  Curved Space-time: Einstein's Theory of Relativity asserts that space-time is distorted or curved by planets and stars and the effect of this curvature is gravity. An object following the path of space-time curvature appears to accelerate toward the space-curving object. Relativity was proven when the curvature of the path of light traveling past the sun was observed during an eclipse. There are actually two theories of relativity the General Theory discussed above and the Special Theory, which asserts that matter and energy are equivalent or can be, changed one into the other. Nuclear fission, which releases the energy of nuclear bombs and power stations, is proof of this theory.


CURVED SPACETIME: Many people suggest that the picture of space-time painted by the General Theory of Relativity does not reflect a common-sense view of the world, but I think most of us would agree that life is full of curves and distortions of reality. The curvature of space-time is due to the distortion of the possible relationships between objects and places and persons. Or in plain talk it's a bunch of lies! You might ask what has the universe got to hide or lie about? Well between any two systems of energy/matter there are possible or virtual interactions or relationships sort of like a platter of cookies to be shared between the two systems. There are some particular things to note about this platter of cookies, its flat and the cookies are arranged on the platter in a regular way. From any given cookie all other cookies must lie a multiple of a given interval from the given cookie. In the same manner as the cookies would lie on the points of a two-dimensional grid. Now the universe steals these cookies and knows that when you steal cookies from a platter you must carefully rearrange the remaining cookies on the platter so nobody notices.  

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