General Rules
How To Play
Intergalactic Space
Big Bang
Electromagnetic Force
Weak Force
Hidden Dimensions
Black Holes
Anthropic Principle


CURVEDSPACE CONTINUED: Since the cookies correspond to points on the platter or grid these points are likewise rearranged or distorted. When all the cookies or stolen, only the distorted platter or space-time grid remains. For very large systems of matter/energy very large numbers of cookies are generated. So missing cookies are hardly noticed and distortions are smooth or curving. It so happens that the universe had no intention of keeping the cookies it stole and as a system accelerates following space-time curvature the universe returns all its cookies!

 The Universe Is And One!


Anthropic Principle : This principle states that the presence and even consciousness of humans in the universe may influence the laws of physics. If the laws of physics are tweaked to eliminate the evolution of life then the evolution of galaxies and stars also becomes uncertain. Experiments have demonstrated that decisions an experimenter makes appear to change the nature of matter and energy even at a time before the experimenter makes a measurement. 



ANTHROPIC PRINCIPLE OR ARGUMENTUM AD HOMENIN: Things are not always as they seem and what seems are not always things. What seems and how things seem depends on how one looks or looks at them, with one eye open or one eye closed. If a liar tells the truth is the liar no longer a liar or is the truth no longer the truth. In other words than I have already used, will a rose smell the same if I am not nosy enough to notice!, By the hand of man some say the past can be changed in the present and the present can be changed in the past say some by the hand of man. The beginning of the end always comes near the end of the beginning. Therefore I will conclude if you try to be certain about the state of things the Anthropic Principle is confusing.

 The Universe Is And One! 



WORM HOLE: A tunnel connecting regions of curved space in a manner that shortens the distance between the regions.