For Students to Integrate Active and Mental Picturing   TOP
From fine motor manipulations of Pythabacus have student extract numerical statements for student to solve.
Have student verbally recall fine motor manipulations of Pythabacus while solving numerical statements.

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*After students have achieved some success at mental addition, counting after one addend as many 
times as another addend to arrive at a sum, begin work with sums greater than 12.
*To introduce place value, have students build a ten's tower. The students begin building the ten's tower with the stones of one addend, and then take stones from another addend to complete the tower.
*The students then configure the remaining stones into the one's numeral of the sum. 
*Click here to see lesson on numeral formation.
*Click here to see a related addition and substraction Lesson
*Click her to see tetrys and finger counting.